Happy Clients: Christie’s WiggleRoom Story
Christie’s Playroom Challenges:
Too many toys!!
Having two active little ones at home (did we mention, boys, both younger than 4) generally means one thing- things will get messy and disorganized, and fast. Christie knew she had a problem on her hands when she spent the kids nap time cleaning up toys, only to find them on the floor again by dinner time.
The best advice I had for Christie is also hard advice to follow- PURGE, PURGE, PURGE. Every mom wants to give her kids the newest & greatest toys, to be #1 in their child’s eyes, but these kids have a LOT. Honestly, there’s no way they can play with it all.
What We Did:
First, we had to make some space in the playroom. Christie’s playroom was plenty big enough to hold everything… and the boys were plenty active enough to “organize” all their toys… all over the floor. The playroom had way too much going on for her to even have a chance! Not wanting to risk a major 4 year old meltdown, we didn’t throw any toys in good condition away. We put them in the basement for another time. Of course, I made Christie promise she’d donate all the boxes of toys in 3 months if the boys didn’t notice they were gone.
Next, we needed a strategy to turn her kiddos into allies. Having spent 7 years teaching preschool, I knew just where to turn for inspiration. We turned the playroom into a mock preschool, designated areas of the room for specific activities. The table and chairs were for sitting and looking at books or art activities. (note- due to age of children only basic art supplies should be left out for safety reasons). Books and art supplies only were put in bins attached to the table. A car rug was placed in another corner of the room w colored bins each filled w different vehicles for more active play.
Christie’s Words
Kelly was AWESOME!! I never thought my boys would actually see the floor in their playroom again!
After Photo’s:
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